Friday, August 9, 2019

Pastor Scott's Blog Links Page

Greetings! This page offers links to each of my blogs I've created over the years. With each link I give a brief description. Enjoy! God's peace be yours in abundance.

Top Ten New Testament Passages
A rabbi once asked me to share my top 10 passages from the New Testament. He was going to teach a class in his synagogue on the New Testament and wanted my perspective. This is what I wrote to him.

Pastor Scott's Musings
A current blog with thoughts, reflections, sermons, devotionals and biblical commentary.

90 Day Bible Blitz
I once read through the Bible in 90 days from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost. Here were my thoughts in what I read each day.

Daily LIFT
I read through the Bible one year in chronological order and these were my daily entries.

This blog has short devotionals intended to encourage you in your relationships, both marriage and with others.

JAM Session
I have a jukebox in my head. Some mornings I have a song come to memory and I can't understand why. I decided to take it as an opportunity for a conversation with God. Enjoy Jesus And Music!

Moral Made
I taught a class once on biblical morality. This is what I was thinking at the time.

Isaiah Journey
Isaiah is the most significant prophet for the early Christians who wrote the New Testament. They saw Jesus in the messianic hopes offered through Isaiah. Join me in a reading of Isaiah.

On Matthew
Matthew contains the Sermon on the Mount. This account of the good news about Jesus portrays Christ as the new Moses. Read this wonderful gospel with me.

Psaltery Air
The Book of Psalms is a prayer book for both Jews and Christians. It includes personal as well as nationalistic and communal prayers and liturgies used in worship. Read a psalm a day.

On Mission (40 Day Sabbath)
This blog contains 40 postings on the mission of the church. At the time I served a congregation that embraced a vision to "pursue excellence in love." What would the church be able to accomplish in this world if we loved one another?

Mything The Point Podcast Notes
This blog contains the notes for Mything The Point", a podcast about biblical interpretation. Some parts of the Bible use the literary form of myth or religious narrative as a means to communicate truth. The question isn't "Is this Bible story true?" For when we ask that question we impose contemporary ideas about historic fact. The original authors do not have that in mind. While much of the biblical narrative is founded in real history, the mythic literary genre used is meant to convey something more than facts about dates, places, people and events. The real question to ask in interpreting the Bible is, "What truth is in the story?"